Beck’s all but endorses steroid use in baseball.

Right smack in the midst of the latest Rodriguez, Ortiz, Ramirez, juicing scandals, Beck’s has created this remarkably mindless ad celebrating technological advances in baseball performance. As the game suffers body blow after body blow with every new revelation of performance enhancing abuse, it’s hard to imagine why Beck’s would throw its hat into the ruckus with this cagey endorsement of ‘the game that said no to old school’ and ‘throws a curveball at yesterday’ (we’ll say!) by taking ‘a technological leap into the future.’

What technological leap could they possibly be referring to? The bats aren’t better — they’re snapping like matches. New batting glove synthetics? No, it’s the raw power and roid rage cooked into the game by Anabol and Deca. Just look at the guy’s thigh sized forearms!

Incidentally, what makes this ad even more inane is that Beck’s is, for some reason, attempting to hitch itself to America’s favorite pastime. Which is why its concluding line of copy —  the “#1 selling beer in Germany” —  really left us giggling. The steroid thing got our attention, but this ad delivers idiocy and bad judgement in so many fabulous ways!


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