Visa Makes Ugly Appeal to Super Wealthy.

Given the current climate, we think this ad for Visa strikes a remarkably wrong tone. Granted, the Black Card is for the hyper-wealthy, but even they’re cutting back on jet-share hours.

The ad informs us that the card is made with carbon graphite, which helps make it the ultimate buying tool. Why this is so, and why carbon graphite is supposed to be such a huge La-De-Da! they don’t explain. But they do go on to entice the elite with ‘luxury gifts from some of the world’s top brands.’ A change purse from Louis Vuitton, just what the wealthy want these days!

To us, this ad makes Visa seem out of touch in just about every way imaginable, particularly in the eyes of the wretched slobs who are still stuck carrying around their plain ol’ plastic ones. That’s our take, what’s yours?


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